
Today we offer you a delicious recipe for melt-in-the-mouth chocolate brownies with extra virgin olive oil. Chocolate brownies are originally from the United States and their name comes from their colour. If you want, you can always add a topping (or something for the inside) to this recipe, such as almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, or perhaps some dried fruit to give it a special touch. We all have our personal preferences, so let your inner chef guide you here.

This recipe dates back to 1896, when a well-known pastry chef left out yeast from a chocolate cake, creating one of the world's most popular types of biscuit. That is why you should experiment with different ingredients – you never know if your idea will create something special.


First of all, preheat the oven to 180°C (356°F/ Gas mark 4).

Next, melt the chocolate in a bain marie, although you could alternatively place it in a mixing bowl and stick it in the microwave for about 20 seconds.

The next step is to mix the flour, the yeast and the salt in a bowl. Gradually pour in the Betis olive oil, while stirring the mixture. In other bowl, beat the eggs and the sugar together. Now add the vanilla extract to the melted chocolate, followed by the flour, yeast, salt and olive oil mixture. Add the eggs and sugar, and stir well until you have an even dough.

Place a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray or in a cake tin, and grease it lightly with olive oil. Spoon the brownie mixture on top, spreading it out to an even thickness.

Cook the brownie mixture for 20-22 minutes. To check if it is done, use the tip of a knife. It should be nice and springy on the outside, but still a bit gooey in the middle.

Leave to cool and cut the cake into squares. You can serve them sprinkled with icing sugar, but this is optional.

Note: Serves 4. Cooking time: 20-22 minutes.

  • Ingredients
    • 115 g of chocolate (70% cacao)
    • 80 ml of Betis olive oil
    • 70g of flour
    • 1 teaspoonful of dried yeast
    • 3 medium-sized eggs
    • 150g of sugar
    • 1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract
    • <

    • Difficulty
      • low

    • kitchen tools
      • low