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Many of the innumerable health benefits which olive oil provides, thanks to its healthy natural properties, are well-known. However, it has also been used as a natural cosmetic for thousands of years. What's more, there are loads of ways to use olive oil to boost your hair condition, which is why we want to show you how to use it to hydrate and strengthen damaged or lifeless hair.

If you have damaged hair, extra virgin olive oil can be very useful because it will nourish it with vitamin E and polyphenols. This reduces the loss of proteins which causes hair to fall out or break and repairs this damage. If your hair is dry and frizzy because you have used chemical products like dyes, or due to the effects of the sun and swimming pool, extra virgin olive oil will help you to rehydrate it. In this way it will retain its natural moisture and stay silky and shiny.

We'll start by pouring half a cupful of extra virgin olive oil into a microwaveable container. Heat it up in the microwave for 20 seconds, adding a few more seconds if necessary, but be careful not to heat it too much. Before applying the oil to your hair, it is recommended to wrap a towel round your shoulders to protect your clothes. Next, take a small amount of the warm oil in your palm and massage it into your hair -especially near the ends, which tend to get damaged easily. If you have greasy hair, it is important not to apply the oil to the scalp, because this could lead to the hair becoming even greasier. For this reason, you should leave a couple of centimetres from the roots free from oil.

When you have rubbed the olive oil all over your hair, cover it with a plastic cap or a heated towel. The warmth generated will help to open the pores in the scalp, allowing the oil to penetrate deeper. Let the oil act for 30 minutes so it can hydrate your hair and enable it to recuperate its shine. To finish, wash off the oil with warm water and your usual shampoo. You will notice how the olive oil treatment leaves your hair much silkier, shinier and more manageable. Finally, you can repeat the treatment once a week if your hair needs intensive reparation.