
Today's recipe is really one of those old favourites straight out of grandma's cookbook, and goes back many generations. Of course, in the old days people did not have the instant access to a wide range of foods that we have in supermarkets, so they used what nature provided them with – in this case, rabbit, rice and vegetables. We all know there's nothing quite like grandma's cooking – that intense flavour that seems to take the palate all the way to the stars. If a recipe is delicious and also provides us with the nutrients we need get us through the day, what more could we ask for?


The first thing to do, if the rabbit is already chopped into pieces, is to chop the onion and garlic finely, and then slice the mushrooms. Next, sauté the onion in olive oil over a low heat, using a large saucepan. Once the onion begins to become transparent, add the garlic and leave it to sauté for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally.

Next, add the mushrooms and allow them to cook for around 5 minutes, whilst continuing to stir. Meanwhile, rub the rabbit pieces with salt and then flour. Add them to the other ingredients in the pan and cook them for about 2 minutes on each side to brown them.

Then, add the white wine and allow it to evaporate. After this, pour in the water, together with a little salt, and when it starts to boil, turn down the heat a little and let it simmer for around 10 minutes.

After this time has elapsed, add the rice and let it simmer for around 18 minutes, stirring from time to time. The dish is now ready to serve – enjoy!

Note: Serves 4 (small portions). If you want a hearty meal, this recipe will serve 2 people.

  • Ingredients
    •  ½ a rabbit
    • 180g of risotto-type rice
    • 125g of mushrooms
    • 1 medium onion
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • a splash of white wine
    • flour
    • a splash of olive oil
    • 4

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low