
Who is able to resist to a tender brownie?

Despite what it may seem, brownies have more than a century of history and their recipe has numerous variants. Today’s recipe is a variant with apple and cinnamon, suitable to serve with a coffee, or for a special event.

Generally, desserts are foods that should consume sporadically due to their high calorie content. So, it is advisable not to abuse this type of sweets specially in the case of people with high cholesterol or triglycerides in blood, diabetes or problems of excess weight.


The first step is to prepare the apples, wash them, peel and cut with a grater or mandolin. Once it is ready, place the apples in a recipient and add the lemon juice.

Preheat the oven at 200ºC approximately. Then reduce the temperature to 180ºC.

Grease a mold to bake with a little Betis olive oil and set aside.

Sift flour into a bowl with the help of a strainer, then add the yeast and cinnamon and stir. Set aside.

Stir the sugar, Betis oil, salt and vanilla in the other bowl.

Beat the egg, add the apple juice and place to the bowl containing the sugar.

Mix dry and wet elements. When the mixture is homogeneous, add the grated apples.

Pour the resulting batter in the mold and cover with foil in order not to form a crust. Bake at 180º for 20 or 25 minutes until slightly golden. Introduce a knife in the brownie. If the knife is dry, the brownie is already done. Let it rest out of the oven in the mold a few minutes before unmolding. Then, let it cool in a grill.

You can cut into squares and serve them alone or accompanied by caramel sauce, ice cream, etc.

Note: Dish for 4 diners. Preparation of 65 minutes. Cooking of 45 minutes.

  • Ingredients
    • 3 apples
    • 140 g flour
    • 200 g sugar
    • 60 ml apple juice
    • 80 g Betis oil
    • 1 egg
    • 3 tablespoon lemon juice
    • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
    • ½ teaspoon vanilla flavor

    • Difficulty
      • Medium

    • kitchen tools
      • Low