
Living in a Mediterranean country makes our diet more healthy, in fact the Mediterranean diet is what the WHO declares to be the best in the world. This diet prevents obesity as well as all diseases associated with it such as diabetes, hypertension, high levels of bad cholesterol in blood and various coronary conditions but above all it helps not to be obese.

The Mediterranean diet, as the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer) recalls, is based on:

  • Foods that we should consume frequently

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, 5 pieces a day

  • Cereals: rice, pasta, bread, several pieces a day

  • Legumes three times a week

  • Fish three times a week

  • Nuts

Consume moderately:

  • Red meat, only once a week

  • Animal fats

  • Cakes and industrial sweets made with saturated fat (coconut and palm oil)

  • Very caloric foods

  • Animal fats

And to all this we must add the star product that is extra virgin olive oil, which among others helps us to:

  • Stimulate intestinal transit: surely many had already thought about it ... if there is any doubt, it is scientifically proven that olive oil favors your intestine.

  • Prevents all types of cancers related to the digestive system: a study conducted by the Universities of Granada and Barcelona, has found that a component found in the skin of olives helps to slow down cell proliferation in cancer cells. colon.

  • It favors the absorption of nutrients: it has also been demonstrated that its intake regularizes the transit of food from the stomach to the intestine, slowing down this process for its better absorption of all the nutrients from the food.

  • Reduces gastric acidity: olive oil is composed of a series of substances that neutralize the harmful effect of gastric acids causing acidity and reflux, as if it were a protective film of the stomach and its walls against excess acidity that sometimes takes place in our stomach.

  • Acts on the hepatobiliary system: according to Internature Laboratories, the biological extra virgin olive oil is a perfect complement for the hepatobiliary cleaning, that is to say, what refers to the gall bladder, bile ducts, liver and pancreas. It reduces the formation of gallstones and helps to dissolve and expel stones.

  • Help stop smoking: accompany the teaspoon of forget oil with plenty of water is a good idea, since the body needs this essential liquid for life when removing impurities. Olive oil will go through the body better, and will take more easily the excess of nicotine and diminish its effects.

  • Thinning: when the lemon and olive oil are combined in the proper way, and are ingested, they act as a very powerful purifier that causes all the toxins that are left over from the body to be expelled as soon as possible. They have the effect of cleaning the liver by making it carry out its functions, in addition to preventing the retention of fluids.

  • Fight the hangover: take any meal rich in olive oil, it will help us form a film inside the stomach to prevent alcohol from adhering to the stomach walls and producing that fatal malaise that many of us know.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: An investigation carried out by scientists from Philadelphia (USA) has shown that extra virgin olive oil, one of the pillars of the Mediterranean diet, contains an analgesic component with characteristics similar to ibuprofen, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory commonly used .

SOURCE: La Razón.


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