More cooking tips with BETIS Olive Oil

We would like to share you some other cooking tips in this article which will continue helping you in your kitchen.

Crispy French fries: There are several infallible methods to prepare the perfect French fries: tender inside, crispy outside and with a golden yellow color. Once you peel and cut the potatoes, put them in a bowl with cold water. If it is possible, change the water twice. Before to cook them, drain and dry the potatoes with a dishcloth, then fry them with plenty of BETIS Olive Oil. This trick is very helpful because the potatoes lose the starch while they are soaked in water.

On the other hand, peel and cut the potatoes and fry them until they turn yellow. Then remove the oil, drain and cool the potatoes for some minutes or hours. Before serving, fry with BETIS Olive Oil in an high temperature.

Put out the flames: if the oil in the pan begins to set fire, smother the flames with a pot cover, dishcloth or some salt. Never try to put out this kind of fire with some water.

Parsley oil: this herbal oil is exceptional for dressing boiled or steamed vegetables, pasta, rice, fish or even chicken. To prepare it, some BETIS Extra Virgin olive oil with 2 tablespoons of hash parsley and some black pepper.

Oil splash: to avoid the oil splash, add a little of salt to the pan. Sometimes the oil splashes because the pan still has water remain, therefore, you need to make sure that the food is dry before putting it in the oil. If you want to fry an egg, add a pinch of flour into the oil.

Fried eggs healthier: you can use a toasted sandwich maker to prepare fried egg healthier. Put a drop of BETIS olive oil, add the egg with a pinch of salt, then cover the sandwich maker and  the egg will be ready in a couple of minutes. You will be surprised by its taste and its quadrate shape.

Reheat the fried fish: to reheat fried fish without using microwave oven, you can wrap the fish in silver paper with some BETIS olive oil, heat the both sides of fish on a grill with low flame for a few minutes and serve it.

Dressings: to dress salads, first add salt, then vinegar and BETIS olive oil as the last step because if we add olive oil first, it will cover the salads like a film and it will prevent the absorption of other flavors.

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