
Today we have prepared a traditional and homemade recipe, a flan of olive oil and orange with a texture and flavor that will surely remind you of the usual desserts. It is a simple recipe for its ingredients and also for its preparation, but both the orange and olive oil give a plus texture and flavor to the final result.

 Generally, desserts are foods that should be consumed sporadically due to their high caloric content. Therefore, it is advisable not to abuse this type of candy, especially in the case of people with high levels of cholesterol or triglycerides in the blood, diabetes or problems of excess weight.


 We start by mixing all the ingredients in a big bowl, the milk, the eggs, the sugar, the orange zest with the juice and the Betis oil. We mix well and reserve.

 Prepare the caramel by putting the water with the sugar in a saucepan. Heat over medium heat, without stirring, until we have a golden caramel not too dark. We pour the caramel in a flan mould or in several individual flan mould, distributing it well by the base and the sides.

 Fill the flan mould with the mixture that we have reserved and place it in a container that we fill with water until half the height of the flan mould.

 With the oven previously heated to 180ºC, we bake the flan in a bain-marie until it is set. The necessary time can vary from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes, depending on whether we are using a large or individual flan mould, or if the flan mould is more or less high. That is why we should be aware of the flan, at the moment when we stick with a stick, it comes out clean, we will have the flan ready.

 Remove the flan from the oven and allow it to cool to room temperature before storing it in the refrigerator.

 To serve, we unmold it at the moment of consumption and serve it with its caramel.

Note: the amounts indicated are for 8-10 people, preparation 90 min.