PARTICIPATION OF BETIS Olive Oil in a Trade Mission in Denmark & Sweden.
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  • PARTICIPATION OF BETIS Olive Oil in a Trade Mission in Denmark & Sweden.

Trade missions help us to complete the market research that we did before from our own offices. It allows us to approach and meet the market where we want to export and most importantly, meet some potential companies to collaborate. The traditional face-to-face meeting is always the best way to start building a commercial relationship.

Our colleague Laura Amores participated in a Trade Mission organized by the Andalusian Trade Promotion to Denmark and Sweden from last 23rd to the 27th of October. 

She traveled to Copenhagen and Stockholm to meet with some of the main important players in the food industry in both regions.

According to her, “We are very interested in exporting BETIS to these countries. We already export BETIS with success in Finland and Norway for many years, so we have a good experience to develop in these other Scandinavian countries.”    

BETIS will continue flying high during 2023 and the next year!