Scrambled eggs with pepper

From Torres & Ribelles we want to offer our readers many of our recipes, and we think the tastier, the better. For this reason, today we bring you a quick preparation recipe at anyone's reach. We are talking about scrambled eggs with pepper.

Although it is a very simple recipe, it contains a considerable amount of nutrients, such as high quality proteins, like calcium, iron or zinc contained in the eggs, and  antioxidants. It is also high in vitamin C and fiber, and gives us the ability to combat the bad cholesterol due to the pepper.

In addition, it only has 175 calories per serving.


Today's recipe, scrambled eggs with pepper, is an easy one to prepare. Listed below are the steps to follow to cook this delicious dish.

Before we begin to prepare the dish, we must clean the peppers. To do this, we put them under the tap and wash them, we dry them using paper towels and then, cut the peppers into strips. Secondly, we peel the garlic cloves and cut them into slices. We wash the parsley and then chop it.

After preparing the ingredients previously mentioned, we put a liter of oil into a pan and warm it, and when it reaches a high temperature, the garlic and peppers are added. Covering the pan, we then fry the garlic and peppers for 10 to 15 minutes approximately, stirring from time to time so that we do not burn them. Afterwards, we drain it.

Next we will beat the eggs with the cream and add a pinch of salt and pepper. When we have finished beating, we pour the mixture in a non-stick pan greased with a tablespoon of Betis oil so that it does not stick, and we simmer the mixture while stirring it continuously.

To finish our dish, mix the scrambled eggs with the peppers, sprinkle with a little parsley and serve.

To keep the egg creamy, we must curd the egg by simmering it and then we incorporate the ingredients which contain water already drained.

Note:  This is a dish meant for 4 people, but it actually depends on diners'appetite.

  • Ingredients
    • 4 medium eggs
    • 1 red pepper
    • 1 green pepper
    • 1 yellow pepper
    • 2 garlic cloves
    • 50 ml of liquid cream
    • 1 parsley sprig
    • Betis Olive Oil
    • Pepper
    • Salt<

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low