Other virtues of olive tree and its fruits

From fruits to the leaves, all the different parts of olive tree attribute numerous pharmacological properties. The olive leaves are considered as antipyretic because they can remove fevers especially the intermittent ones and the olive leaves can also be used to reduce the tension which was formerly mentioned as "lower blood". To stimulate urine and lower the blood pressure, it was recommended to boil thirty olive leaves in a quart of water and this infusion should be taken on an empty stomach before going to sleep at night with some honey to make it sweeter. The intake is prolonged as long as necessary with a break of one week for each two. OlivoAccording to some herbalists, the properly prepared olives can strengthen the digestive system by dissolving the adhesions of the intestinal wall and facilitating the foods to pass through. However, do not forget that the abuse of olives may cause constipation. The olive oil is used as a basis of creams in Roman treaties.  A suitable ointment or liniment for burns is prepared with lime water (obtained by mixing distilled water or rain water with an ounce of heated and vaporized slaked lime) and olive oil in equal parts. This ointment is applied twice a day, directly on the burn wound and covered with a bandage. Another curious thing is how the first moisturizer was made. Doctor Claudius Galen (129-199) was the first person who discovered the uses of olive oil in cosmetic products. He got his first cream by mixing olive oil, water and vegetable wax. When he smeared the moisturizer on the body, the skin became more elastic. olive Oil 3Besides of all these, olive oil also has many medicinal and domestic functions. It can be used as a laxative and an emollient to protect the intestinal tract from inflation. With its cleansing effect, it can accelerate the healing action of the skin, and of course olive oil can relieve the pain of burn wound and prevent blister. Another virtue of olive oil is to calm earache, soften the earwax and facilitate the ear clean process. In addition, olive oil is beneficial for the children who begin to get the new teeth: it can calm the nervousness and relieve the pain of gums.