Wedge clams


Today's recipe is simple, fast and everyone likes it. What more can we ask? Its delicious and fine meat, along with its small size make the wedge clams eat very easily, as if they were sunflower seeds and also it is almost impossible to stop doing so, because they are so rich, so you buy what you buy will seem few.

 The wedge clam are a type of bivalve mollusk, which is found mostly in the area of Cádiz and Huelva, but also in some cities of the Mediterranean, where they are called tellinas or pendentives. Like the rest of the seafood, they have a nutritional composition similar to that of fish, although they are less digestible. Of course, its protein and cholesterol content is higher, and have less fat.

 The wedge clams contain a good amount of purines, which in our body are transformed into uric acid. Therefore, those people who suffer from gout or kidney stones should moderate their consumption.


 The first thing we have to do is make sure they are clean and without any grit, for this we will leave the wedge clams in a deep dish with water, a little salt and a dribble of vinegar. So we will have them for 1 hour and a half changing the water every 30 minutes to eliminate any impurity.

 In a pan over medium heat, add Betis oil to cover the bottom, peel and chop the garlic and fresh parsley and brown them. When the garlic begins to take color, we add the wedge clams and raise the fire, leaving them to open as a result of the heat. To help them in that mission, we remove them from time to time by letting them hit each other.

 As they open, we add the Sherry wine, or any white wine you like, we cook for a few seconds on a high heat so that the alcohol of the wine evaporates and we put a lid so that the wedge clams are finished and all the juice is released in the sauce.

 When the sauce is reduced a little they are ready to serve.

Note: the quantities indicated are for 4 people, preparation 10 min., Cooking 5 min.

* Donax trunculus (abrupt wedge shell, wedge clam), is a bivalve species in the family Donacidae. It is native to the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of western Europe. It is locally known as tellin, tellina, telline or "tenille" in France, tellina in Italy, tellina or coquina in Spain, conquilha or cadelinha in Portugal.

  • Ingredients
    • 500 gr of wedge clams*
    • 4 cloves of g

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low

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