
The lips are usually one of the body parts that suffer most during periods of windy, hot or cold weather. Therefore, it is always a good idea to keep them hydrated. Today we have a simple recipe for just that purpose – a 100% natural lip balm with no preservatives. It can last for up to six months, as well as being inexpensive.

To make your own lip balm, you just need these ingredients:

  • 5g of virgin beeswax, an oily excipient which has bacteriostatic, emolient, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
  • 15g of extra virgin olive oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and hydrates the lips.
  • A soupspoonful of honey. Its moisturising and antiseptic properties are ideal for the skin, and it helps to protect the skin from the sun's rays.
  • 3 drops of essential oil. You can choose your favourite – citrus fruits are especially pleasant.
  • 1 vitamin E capsule, which you can get from a chemist. They help to stop the oils from degrading and allow the balm to keep its properties for longer.
  • A small container with a lid.

The preparation is very simple:

First of all, we have to sterilise the utensils, the surface and the container that we are going to use. We may use boiling water or spray them with alcohol and wait for it to dry.

Next, heat the container in which you are going to mix the ingredients in a bain marie. A glass bowl would work well.

Add the wax bit by bit and keep stirring it until it melts. Gradually add the olive oil and continue to stir the mixture. If the texture appears to be too thick, you may add more olive oil.

Remove the mixture from the heat, add the honey and mix all the ingredients well. Then add the drops of essential oil and the vitamin E and stir again.

Pour the balm into the storage container that you are using. Place it in the fridge until the balm has solidified. You now have your own home-made lip balm.

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