
Orange mousse is a delicious and refreshing dessert which is easy to prepare and ideal for a warm day. This classic dish is enjoyed all around the world, either as a complement for a special meal or as a sweet snack to savour at any time of day.

The orange is a fruit which is notable for its low calorie content. This is thanks to its high water content and its richness in vitamin C, folic acid and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. It also contains plenty of beta-carotene, which gives it its distinctive colour and is known for its antioxidant properties. In addition, it contains malic, oxalic, tartaric and citric acids. In fact, citric acid boosts the beneficial effects of vitamin C. What's more, the fibre content in oranges is appreciable and is mostly found in the pithy white layer between the peel and the fruit. Consumption of this helps to facilitate intestinal movement.


Add water to the gelatine and then heat it for a few seconds in a microwave to melt it down. Once the gelatine has melted, gradually add the orange juice and stir until it has all blended in. Allow the mixture to set slightly, without letting it solidify.

Add the sugar to the cream, along with a pinch of ground cardamom and whip it. Once the cream has a certain stiffness, slowly add the orange juice, while stirring. Next, slowly pour in the olive oil and then leave the mixture to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.

At this point, with the help of a pastry bag, pipe the mousse into glasses and then freeze it. Before serving, you can decorate it with chocolate shavings and mint leaves.

Note: serves 4. Preparation time: 50 minutes.

  • Ingredients
    • 0.5 litres of natural orange juice
    • 0.5 litres of whipping cream
    • 10g of gelatine
    • fresh mint leaves
    • 50g of Betis olive oil
    • 100g of brown sugar
    • ground cardamom
    • choco

    • Difficulty
      • low

    • kitchen tools
      • low

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