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Wine and olive oil pills

There are more and more discoveries about olive oil benefits where it stands out its protection against different types of cancers and cerebrovascular accidents. Besides, it helps lower your cholesterol, controling blood pressure and diabetes, it protects heart and it has an analgestic effect against some pains.

However, today we're going to talk about wine and olive oil in the same composition, acquiring a medical connotation because, both of them have many similarities despite their differences. The first similarity is that both help lower cholesterol. Wine can do this thanks to the polyphenols it contains (it protects the arteries and facilitates high levels of good cholesterol) and olive oil can do this thanks to its high content in monounsaturated fats and oleic acid (they reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol). In addition, both help prevent some types of cancer.

According to a study by the Cleveland Clinic (Ohio, USA), in which it has been investigated how olive oil acts when wine is added, the results showed that the benefits are enhanced if both products are mixed.

The same research determines that pills of olive oil and wine could treat heart disease. However, to this day it has only been tested in laboratory mice. If the same results were obtained in human beings, it would be a very novel therapy against cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and it would facilitate the appearance of new drugs of wine and olive oil pills.

The drug being tested is a dietary supplement, it contains a compound commonly found in red wine and olive oil. This compound prevents intestinal microbes from turning unhealthy foods into products that obstruct arteries, interfering with the metabolic activity of these microbes. The authors of the study point out that if these results were confirmed, atherosclerosis could be inhibited through a microbial intestinal pathway with a wine and olive oil compound.

Atherosclerosis is a disease that hardens arteries due to nutrients from meat, egg yolks or dairy products rich in fat.

The differences between this research and similar are found in the fact that, until now they have focused in the inhibition of the enzymes that convert the compound into the metabolite obtaining more contradictory results than satisfactory. Nevertheless, the current study points directly to intestinal microbes in order to prevent trimethylamine formation, obtaining satisfactory results.

If these results were confirmed, wine and olive oil pills could be a great ally against heart diseases.

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