
Orange and cod salad is a traditional dish in Andalusian cuisine and is of Arabic origin. There are many varieties, since this is a dish with centuries of tradition, and it is most typically found in the provinces of Jaén, Cordoba and Granada. The recipe can vary considerably from region to region, but the ingredients common to all varieties are oranges and olive oil. Many other ingredients can be incorporated, and while cod is typical, olives, eggs, onion, garlic, vinegar, paprika, potatoes and tomatoes are sometimes used.

This version is served cold, normally as a starter, and is both nutritious and delicious. Cod is a white fish which is easily digested and low in calories. The oranges add vitamins A, C and E and make this a healthy dish suitable for all types of diets.


Heat some Betis olive oil in a frying pan and when it is hot, place the cod loin in the pan, skin down. Cover the pan and cook over a low heat, turning it after a few minutes, until it is cooked.

Remove the cod from the heat and allow it to cool. When it is at about room temperature, cut it into thin strips.

Peel the oranges and cut them into strips about one centimetre thick, then arrange them and the strips of cod alternately in a serving dish.

Prepare the vinaigrette in a bowl by mixing the orange juice, the vinegar, the salt, the black pepper and the pinch of sugar and stir well. Finely chop the spring onion and add it to the vinaigrette, together with the Betis olive oil and stir well.

Decorate the salad with the black olives and dress it with the vinaigrette before serving.

Note: serves 4. Preparation time: 20 minutes. Cooking time: 5 minutes.

  • Ingredients
    • 2 or 3 oranges
    • 400g of desalted cod loin
    • 2 tablespoonfuls of orange juice
    • ½ a teaspoonful of sherry vinegar
    • 5 tablespoonfuls of Betis olive oil
    • salt and pepper to taste
    • a p

    • Difficulty
      • low

    • kitchen tools
      • low

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