
Today we bring you an easy recipe, it is also very healthy and tasty. ¿Who’s in?

Spinach does not used to be one of the most popular vegetables, but prepared in this way to the cream, are good and are perfect to insert in our menus. We can prepare as first course and consume it throughout the year.

Spinach is one of the vegetables richer in vitamins and minerals, the beta carotene and vitamins B, C and E, excellent antioxidants for the organism. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron stand out among the minerals. However, the recipe adds cream and milk, a good source of calcium and vitamins A and D, but also fat. The dish is not suitable for those people intolerant to lactose.


Carefully clean spinach, once cleaned, cook with water and a pinch of salt for 5 minutes. Drain and chop with a knife.

In a frying pan over medium heat add a spoonful of butter and when it is dissolved add the spinach and sauté. Then add the cream, pepper to taste and cook over a low heat until thickened, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes.

Add a little Betis olive oil in another frying pan and sauté the pine nuts until golden. Then, place in absorbent paper in order to lose oil excess, and set aside.

Cut 4 slices of the previous day bread, scrub the garlic and dice.

Fry the bread dice and place in absorbent paper in order to lose oil excess.

To serve, place on a plate the cream of spinach and on top of them add the pineapples and the breadcrumbs.

Note: Dish for 4 diners. Preparation of 90 minutes. Cooking of 45 minutes.

  • Ingredients
    • ½ Kg spinach
    • 250 ml liquid cream
    • Butter
    • Bread from the previous day
    • Garlic
    • Betis olive oil
    • 50 gr pine nuts
    • Pepper
    • Salt

  • Difficulty
    • Low

  • kitchen tools
    • Low

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