
Who is able to resist a delicious biscuits? If you do not have much time to prepare a post, we encourage you to try this classic recipe. The ingredients are simple and the result is a perfect treat.

 Generally, desserts are foods that should be consumed sporadically due to their high caloric content. Therefore, it is advisable not to abuse this type of candy especially in the case of people with high cholesterol or triglycerides levels in the blood, diabetes or problems of excess weight.


 We start crushing the nuts, until they are very thin and we reserve.

 Next we will mount the cream, for it we will need 200 gr of cream and 125 gr of sugar. Sugar is really a matter of taste. The cream will mount with more or less sugar indistinctly. Then we should think about how we are going to assemble the cream, by hand ?, with an electric mixer? or with a siphon?

 If we mount the cream by hand, we will need a bowl of glass or stainless steel and a stirring rod. All these cooking utensils must be cold. The key is the cold.

 It is essential to keep the cream cold while we beat it, for that we will put a bowl with water and ice cubes and a handful of fat salt and over another bowl with cream (cold from the fridge). In this way we will be able to keep the cream temperature stable between 5 and 10 C.

 Beat the eggs until they are sparkling and mix it with the whipped cream, we do it slowly so it does not get off.

 We delicately add the nuts and the Betis olive oil, once it is well mixed we pour it into a silicone mold and leave it in the freezer for 4 to 6 hours.

 To serve, we unmold it, add red fruits to our liking and decorate with a little cinnamon.

Note: the amounts indicated are for 4 people, preparation 30 min.

  • Ingredients
    • 50 g Betis oil
    • 200 g liquid cream to

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low

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