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Vacations tend to control our eating habits, excesses, untimely meals and the continuous pecking that have had an impact to a greater or lesser extent in our body and take us away from a healthy diet. That's why we offer you some simple tips to cope with the return to work and resume a healthy nutritional routine.

 1. Make a complete breakfast: It is very unwise to go to work without having eaten a full breakfast, containing all the macronutrients such as skimmed milk proteins, healthy fats from nuts or olive oil and carbohydrates of cereals and fruits, which also provide vitamins and minerals to start the day with strength.

 2. Snack at mid-morning: It is advisable to make a snack, when two or three hours have passed since breakfast, based on fruit, coffee or infusions, which helps to have a proper hydration throughout the morning and to reach the time of the meal without hunger.

 3. Reduce fats: In general, on vacation consumes a greater number of products rich in fats, such as red meat, ice cream, snacks, fried or pizzas. To recover a healthy and energetic diet it is advisable to take the fats from nuts, blue fish, olive oil or avocados. All these are products that can be incorporated into salads and that help to overcome long working days.

 4. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables: Nature is wise and offers us at every season what we need. In winter, we need more doses of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and for that nature offers us oranges, grapefruit, peppers, tangerines, cauliflower or kiwis. While in summer, we need foods that contain more water, such as watermelon, melon or pear and more rich in beta carotene to protect the skin, such as pumpkin, melon, carrot and mango. The basis of a balanced and healthy diet are five daily servings of fruit or vegetables, and thanks to the calendars of the fruit and vegetables in season it is easier to know when is the best time to consume a fruit or a specific vegetable.

 5. Eat legumes: Legumes have a high fiber content, as well as numerous vitamins and minerals. Their nutritional values make them an ideal dish to eat on a regular basis. They are a great alternative to obtain good quality protein and alternate it with meat, fish and eggs. Protein is essential in our diet, as it gives us energy and strengthens our muscles and bones. It is advisable to take them a couple of times a week.


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