
If you're bored with the typical salad of lettuce and tomato, try introducing other foods ... Today we propose a recipe full of color, with very refreshing ingredients, a salad of mango, avocado and prawns, perfect to serve as a starter or as a light and healthy dinner.

 The mango is a good source of antioxidant vitamins, such as A and C, which together with the vitamin C that also brings the lemon juice, makes this salad a very interesting dish from the nutritional point of view.

 As for avocados, they have a high fat content, which makes them very caloric fruits. But most of these fats are unsaturated, so they can help lower blood cholesterol levels.

 The shallot and the red cabbage, on the other hand, contain a good amount of antioxidant substances. These substances are very good for health, since they enhance our immune system and, therefore, help us to prevent diseases of a degenerative nature.

 The prawns contribute to the salad, proteins of high biological value.


 Let's start by peeling the prawns, reserve the tails and sauté the heads in a pan with a little Betis oil and a chopped garlic. We have to crush the heads to get a reduction with an intense flavor. Once ready we remove the heads, we strain the reduction, we connect with a little virgin Betis oil and we reserve.

 Peel the mangoes and the avocado and cut them into small cubes. Chop the lettuce and red cabbage and finely chop the shallot. Mix everything in a bowl, and season with salt, Betis olive oil and lemon. The lemon juice, in addition to giving an acid and refreshing touch to the seasoning, will prevent the avocado from oxidizing once cut.

 Mark in a pan with a little Betis oil and salt the shrimp tails.

 We can serve the salad on a plate, we cover it with the grilled prawns and the reduction sauce that we prepare with their heads.

Note: the quantities indicated are for 4 people, cooking 15 min preparation 30 min.

  • Ingredients
    • 2 Mangoes
    • 1 Avocado

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low

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