
Today we propose a very typical recipe within our gastronomy, which is usually served as a starter or tapa, especially in the bars and restaurants of Andalusia. It is one of those recipes in which the ingenuity was sharpened to feed the family using basic and economic ingredients and get a finger-licking dish. The secret of this dish is in using good ingredients.

 The main ingredient of this recipe is the potato, very rich in complex carbohydrates (starch), which will make this dressing a very energetic preparation.

 Tuna provides proteins of high biological value, which enriches the dish nutritionally.

 The onion, on the other hand, will enrich the recipe with minerals, vitamins and substances with antioxidant action, very beneficial for health.

 The egg, also present in this seasoning, is a very nutritious food. Its clear contains proteins of high biological value, while the yolk is rich in fat, cholesterol and different vitamins, such as B12.


 We start by cooking the eggs in a saucepan with water and plenty of salt for at least 8 minutes.

 Wash the potatoes under the tap to remove traces of dirt and when they are well cleaned put them in a pan. We cover them with water and add 1 tablespoon of coarse salt. Once we have the potatoes well cooked (we will introduce the tip of a knife to know if they are in their point) we take them out of the water and let them warm up.

 When the potatoes are warm, we peel them and cut them into irregular and medium pieces.

 Chop the onion and parsley and reserve.

 In a bowl we mix the onion with the potato, the parsley and the tuna. Add the cooked eggs and cut into slices and dress with Betis olive oil and a few drops of sherry vinegar, if necessary correct the point of salt, stir well so that the potatoes are impregnated with Betis olive oil and vinegar.

 Let the plate stand at room temperature until it cools.

Note: the amounts indicated are for 4 people, cooking 20 min preparation 40 min.

  • Ingredients
    • 400 gr. of new potatoes
    • 4 eggs

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low

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