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olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the oil of most quality and purity from all the other oils. It has unique qualities, in addition to an incredible fragrance and flavor. We know that olive oil is one of the main components of the Mediterranean diet and the responsible of its benefits, so, today we remind you 10 reasons to consume extra virgin olive oil:

  1. Extra virgin olive oil prevents cardiovascular diseases: through different mechanisms that include the reduction of the inflammation and tension or the prevention of blood clots, it has been proved that the regular intake of extra virgin olive oil decreases cardiovascular diseases risk.
  2. Extra virgin olive oil eases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The intake of olive oil collaborates with the reduction of inflammation and the joint pain.
  3. Extra virgin olive oil protects against cancer: anticancer properties of olive oil come from an antioxidant called oleocanthal and oleic acid.
  4. Extra virgin olive oil decreases diabetes risk. Experts recommend the combination of olive oil with a diet similar to Mediterranean diet in order to avoid the development of diabetes. It has been proved that extra virgin olive oil improves the resistance to insulin in addition to regulate blood glucose.
  5. Extra virgin olive oil reduces inflammation: its unique composition of oleocanthal antioxidant and oleic acid decrease inflammation just like the famous drug “ibuprofen”.
  6. Extra virgin olive oil prevents strokes. Some studies have proved that the frequent intake of olive oil decreases stroke risk that is usually caused by a bleeding or clot.
  7. Extra virgin olive oil has antibacterial properties. The intake of olive oil could be very useful in order to fight infections caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria, pathogen that lives in the stomach and causes ulcers.
  8. Extra virgin olive oil helps to fight Alzheimer. The quantity of oleocanthal that is in olive oil could destroy amyloid plaques that are accumulated in neurons of people that suffer Alzheimer. These plaques are causers of memory loss and some studies have proved that olive oil contributes to its elimination.
  9. Extra virgin olive oil strengthens immune system: its high-content in nutrients and antioxidants helps to strengthen immune system and it offers protection against virus, bacteria and other microorganism that could cause common and chronic diseases.
  10. Extra virgin olive oil helps to take care the skin because of its natural fat acids and the contribution of vitamins E and K. So, it is an excellent ally in order to repair damaged tissues contributing hydronation and vitamins to the dermis to facilitate its recovery.