Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Booming Global Market
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  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Booming Global Market

The extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) market is experiencing sustained growth worldwide, driven by the increasing demand for healthy and sustainable products.


  • Spain is the world's leading producer of EVOO, followed by Italy, Greece, and Tunisia.
  • Global EVOO production is estimated at 3 million tons per year.
  • Spanish EVOO production in the 2022/23 campaign was 1,276,400 tons, 34% lower than the previous campaign.


  • The European Union is the main consumer of EVOO, followed by the United States and Brazil.
  • Global EVOO consumption has increased by 20% in the last decade.
  • EVOO consumption in Spain in the 2022/23 campaign was 545,000 tons, 2.5% higher than the previous campaign.


  • Growing demand for high-quality EVOO and PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) oils.
  • Increased consumption in emerging countries such as China and India.
  • Greater interest in the health properties of EVOO.

International Trade:

  • Spanish EVOO exports in the 2022/23 campaign amounted to 1,044,000 tons, 4.5% higher than the previous campaign.
  • The main destinations for Spanish EVOO exports are Italy, the United States, France, and Portugal.


  • The EVOO market offers a great opportunity for producers, marketers, and consumers.
  • Producers can take advantage of the growing demand for high-quality EVOO to increase their income.
  • Marketers can develop new marketing strategies to reach a wider audience.
  • Consumers can enjoy a healthy and delicious product that adds value to their diet.

In summary, the EVOO market is a dynamic and growing sector with great potential for the future.

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