
It is not surprising that mackerel, one of the most consumed fish, its firm and tasty meat, its great nutritional properties and its affordable price make it highly recommended. Today we encourage you to prepare this simple recipe, delicious and healthy where mackerel keeps all its flavor.

The recipes based on vegetables and fish are all a dietary success, since they are two foods whose nutritional qualities we must take advantage of to have a healthy diet. A refreshing salad can become an appetizing dish if its ingredients include protein foods, such as mackerel in this case. This fish belongs to the group of blue fish, whose main characteristic is a high omega 3 fat content. This type of fat contributes to prevent cardiovascular diseases, since it decreases blood cholesterol, blood pressure and platelet aggregability, which are the main risk factors of these diseases. They also provide good quality proteins and vitamins, including vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium by the bones.

The egg provides proteins of high biological value, while the vegetables that accompany the fish in this dish enrich it with fiber, vitamins and vegetable substances very beneficial for health. The advantage of consuming salad is that the vegetables keep all their vitamins, since they have not been subjected to the action of heat. Therefore, it is recommended to take a serving of raw vegetables daily.


We start by cleaning the mackerel, until we get the fillets clean of thorns. Once we have them, cook them with a little Betis oil in a pan or grill for a few minutes on each side, so that it is done well and we reserve on a plate.

Peel and finely chop the onion and the hard-boiled egg, mix well and place it on the back of the mackerel.

Prepare now, a vinaigrette with 75 ml. of olive oil Betis and 25 ml. of vinegar. Add a pinch of salt and move well to mix the vinaigrette. We mix the fish with this mixture and eat!

If you want to give a color note to this dish, try adding more onion and hard-boiled egg, such as tomatoes and peppers.

Note: the quantities indicated are for 1 people, preparation 20 min., Cooking 10 min.

  • Ingredients
    • 300 Gr. of fresh mackerel
    • 1 onion

    • Difficulty
      • Low

    • kitchen tools
      • Low

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