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In mid-1997, we decided to implement the ISO-9001 in our company. This regulation is not compulsory but it makes improvements in the management of the company, not only in the Production area but also in Administration. In September 1998 we got the AENOR and IQNET certifications and later on, we got the one of the international certification body Lloyd's Register, for this same regulation. We consider that these certifications help us to give our customers the company's commitment to quality and the guarantee of exhaustive enforcement of controls and inspections that we perform every day.


‘Torres & Ribelles’ is one of the first companies in our industry that has obtained this certification and therefore we are very proud of our work. This reward is the result of our efforts and encourages us to keep improving every day to guarantee the good management of our company.


‘Torres & Ribelles’ is also a member of ASOLIVA (Spanish Association of Exporters of olive oil) which was set up in September 1977 although this organization had already existed under different names since 1928. Its main mission is to promote the export of Spanish olive oil outside our borders.

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